I am happy to announce that the club has its own Forums where you can share your views in a number of categories such as the “Main Forum”, “Club Website – Your Views” and “Used Photography Gear: for sale or wanted”. Obviously, you can initiate your own topic for discussion, help, etc, under any of these categories.
However, you will need to login to participate as the ‘CLUB FORUMS’ menu item is not visible to the general public – only to club members.
Note: If you continue to use the same device, you only need login once.
There are already a few threads running such as “Thoughts on Printing”, “Flickr” and “Should the Competition League results be published as it progresses?” You might like to express your views or to add further topics for discussion.
There are also topics involving changes in the club you can voice your opinion on, if you wish, and/or cast a vote.
So, do login and take a look. It might be handy if you want to dispose of unused photography gear, for instance!